
Lifetime of Scars - LOZ

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Link slowly made his way into the courtyard where Zelda stood with her back turned; she sat on the fountain's edge, holding a white rose. He was struck by guilt for leaving her alone after the Final Battle.

The girl sighed, and as she turned around, Link stood in front of her. She jumped at the sight of the sudden visitor.

"Link? Is that you?"

He smiled, "In the flesh and blood, Princess."

"You came here all the way from Ordon?"

He nodded.

"My goddesses! That's three and a half days of travel!"

"I was willing to do it, Princess."

"Wow, it's amazing, I haven't seen you since Midna left for the Twilight Realm."

She saw the sadness spread through Link's bright blue eyes.

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you Link. I know it's been hard and I shouldn't have-"

"Do not worry, I am quite alright. I do miss her so much it pains me to think of her, but I must move on."

She smiled, "I'm glad you feel that way, you're very strong Link. I still can't understand what happened to you in your journey. It's been a long trip, how about you come to dinner with me? You can stay as long as you like."

"No, no, I could never intrude into the goings on of Hyrule Castle, Princess"

Zelda rolled her eyes, "It's fine, Link. And stop being so formal, call me Zelda."

He smiled, "Alright, alright, fine, Zelda."


Link sat across from Zelda at the Royal Dining table that was so long, they had to sit on the wide sides to be close enough to talk.

"So, is the dining hall usually this empty?"

She nodded, stirring her potatoes around, "Ever since Father and Mother passed, it is usually like this, with a few noble visitors here and there. Most of the time, I'm alone."

"That's depressing... I mean, I am just not a person who really likes to be alone."

"That's funny though, ever since Midna left, Mayor Bo told me you've just been locked up in your house. What made you come here to the Castle today anyways?"

He shrugged, "I don't know... An excuse to wear my tunic again I suppose."

She narrowed her eyes, "No no, it's something else, I can tell."

'Really Zelda, that's it."

"No, it's not Link. I have the triforce of wisdom, I know you're lying."

He sighed, "Fine... I came because I felt guilty."

"Guilty of what?"

"I just kinda abandoned you after she left... I know I was upset, but it wasn't an excuse to leave you. I'm a hero for heaven's sake."

"It's okay Link, I was fine. But you've made up for it all just by coming."

He smiled.

"So Link, what is your family like?"

He scoffed, "What family?"

"You... you don't have a family?"

"I did. My mother died of Scarlett Fever when I was seven, and my father died in the Great War when I was six."

"I... I'm so sorry, I had no idea."

"Don't worry about it... I love them. My father... if it wasn't for him, we'd probably still be stuck in the Twilight."


"When I was three, he came home from the military, and took me to Zora's Domain, and Snowpeak Mountain. I never knew what existed outside Ordon, and that triggered by love for exploration. If it wasn't for that, I don't think I would've been curious enough to go into the Twilight that day."

She smiled, "I'm glad you did. Zant was terrible, and so was Gannondorf."

"So what about you Zelda? What happened to your parents?"

"Well... my mother died in childbirth, and my father died of assassination at the end of the Great War."

"Ah... I remember that. Where were you when it happened?"

"Me? I believe we were in the courtyard together, and the assassin assaulted from the rooftops. That's why we have guards up there now."

"So... what happened after he died?"

"Well... I became the new power."

"But... let's see, you're a year younger than me, so you were only six at the time, correct?"

She nodded, "Yes, I didn't have much power then. The King's Council did much of the work back then, and taught me how to rule."

"I see."

"Yes, I was crowned as Princess when I was thirteen, and it was then that I began to lead this country. It was excruciating pressure. Instead of working the fields or attending school, I was privately tutored as I made decisions of war, finances, and laws."

"I'm amazed at how you handled that... You're so smart..."

"Smart? I wouldn't say so. The Council still guided me."

"But still..."

Silence filled the air as their cleaned plates were taken away, and a bowl of ice cream for each was served. Link's eyes widened, since Ordon was so hot, they could never have ice cream there without it melting.


"Yeah, what is it?"

"Have you ever been outside the castle? I mean, other than when we were in Hyrule Field, and the Arbiter's Grounds."

She shook her head, "No, when I was a child it was considered unsafe, and when I was older, I was simply too busy."


Link walked into his room, the one Zelda had shown him earlier in the day. It was obviously not the one given to typical guests. It looked as if it was for relatives of the Royal Family. Link sat on the bed and pulled off his boots, socks, and hat. Next he stood up and unbuckled his belt and pulled off his tunic and chainmail. His sword and shield sat near his bed in case he needed them in a hurry. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair, then pulled off his undershirt which smelled like the pastures of Ordon. He quickly got into his bed, and sleep came easily.


Zelda was startled by sound she could hear from deep within the castle. At first she was frightened, who could've made it past the guards at such an hour? Gannondorf was not back, was he?

She quickly stood up grabbing her candle and flew down the steps in her silky, green nightgown. She was in such a rush, that she did not even have on slippers.

She creeped through the dining hall and saw candle light flickering in the kitchen. She opened the door, and saw Link digging through the ice box, he quickly spun around, salami in hand, almost scaring the wits out of Zelda.

She jumped, then relaxed herself, "It's just you Link, thank heavens, you almost made me jump out of my skin."

His face shone a bright red as he stared at her.

"What are you doing up at this hour? Oh, yes... you're a man aren't you? I hear they get hungry during the night."

"I... I'm sorry Zelda. I didn't mean to scare you, I was just hungry is all."

She waved her hand, "It's fine Link...." Zelda set her candle on the kitchen countertop and then began to realize what she was wearing, something that was definitely not worth of a princess, that is for sure.

She let out a small shriek, and covered herself with her arms, and began to move to the door.

"I-I'm sorry Link-this isn't usually what I'd be wear-I was scared-I didn't know it was you-"

She stopped when she felt a warm had on her bare shoulder. She looked over and Link stood smiling at her.

"Don't worry about it, we're friend's right? I'm not some noble, I'm not going to judge you. I mean it's the middle of night for Nayru's sake."

She let her arms fall, and she shrugged, "I suppose your right. Well, as long as I'm up, I'm going to make some tea."

When she turned and caught a glimpse of Link, noticing now he was shirtless, her face turned a bright pink, and she quickly turned around.


Link sat in the Royal Study, when the giant doors opened, that he swore were the height of three men opened. Zelda closed the door behind her, and handed one of the cups to him. She still wore her nightgown, but had pulled her hair back into a messy bun with hair falling down around her face.

"Here Link, I made you some tea. I put three sugars in it, because I figured you'd like it more sweet than bitter."

He nodded, "Right on the mark."

He looked around at the countless bookshelves that lined the walls. And in front of him, were giant windows as high as the vaulted ceilings, that looked out onto Hyrule Field. Just outside them was a stone balcony.

Zelda sipped her tea looking around, "It's been quite a while since I've been in here."

Link laughed, "I don't see why, the furniture in here is amazing!" He said as he snuggled into the chair he was sitting in, "It's so soft!"

Zelda laughed.

"Was this your father's study?"

She nodded, "Yes, he spent many nights in here. When mother was away, he would let me stay up late to keep him company and let me have tea, even though my mother said I was too young." She laughed, "He was always breaking the rules like that."

Link took his last sip of tea as Zelda was setting her cup on the table. He watched as her small form came to her feet and walked towards the balcony. He watched her delight as winter's first snow was just beginning to come.

"Link! Look! The snow is here!"

He set down his cup and walked over, "Amazing, it's beautiful."

Suddenly, Zelda swung open the door and ran out onto the balcony where snow was beginning to form, and was falling on her head, leaving white specks in her brown hair. She laughed and smiled as the snow came down, and landed in her open mouth.

"What are you doing, Zelda?! You'll catch a cold out there!"

She twirled around with her arms outstretched, "Breaking the rules! Being a princess is too hard as it is! Come on, Link!"

He smiled, "I will, but I'm not going to let you die out there, hold on!"


He darted up to Zelda's room, and walked into her closet. I was like déeja vu, it was just as he had remembered it when he was a wolf. Inside her closet, her grabbed her coat that was filled with white fur on the inside, and a pair of her warm snow boots.

When he returned to her, she still stood in the snow, which was accumulating now, and he couldn't help but stare.

'She's the Princess of Hyrule, Link! Don't look at her like that!, his mind screamed at him.

He shook his head, and walked outside. He had put his boots back on, but decided it was too much work to put his whole tunic back on.

"Here Zelda."

He pushed snow off part of the balcony and sat her on it. He put her boots on her now pink feet, and helped her put her coat on. When he was done, she smiled, "Thanks Link. I feel better now."

Then she twirled around again, "I hear you can make wishes on the snow."

He scoffed, "Is that true? Well then what's your wish."

Suddenly, she stopped, staring out into the dark night.

"I wish I could be a normal girl... Instead of dealing with other people's problems... I could concentrate on myself for once... What's yours Link?"

'For this night never to end...., He thought, but knew he could never say.

"I don't have one."

She gaped at him, "Not one?"

"Maybe that Midna could come back... But other than that, no. I have everything I need already."

Zelda walked over to him, "I suppose..."

"Aren't you cold Link?"

He said no, but she could see his shoulder's shaking.


Zelda put her arms around him, and despite her being a half of a foot shorter, she warmed him up. Zelda luckily didn't notice the pink across his face.

The pair came back into the study, and Zelda took off her boots and coat, as did Link. She walked around the library, and Link stared at her and wondered, 'had anyone else ever see her like this? Was this the real Zelda? Under all her titles and responsibilities?'

Her pale slender legs were a sharp contrast to the dark silk of her nightgown, and made her shine in the candlelight. Her brown hair was still in a bun, with more pieces falling out, and slightly damp from the snow. She glanced over at Link, and smiled. It made her happy having another person in the castle, she hated being alone.

She wondered if his piercing blue eyes could notice how much she had missed him over the months... She had stayed in her room for weeks, hoping he'd return, but he never did.

And now he was here.

And she had lied.

Her real wish was that he would never leave her alone again.


Link stirred in his slumber to the sound of a woman's scream. He instantly knew it was Zelda's. Her room was only a flight of stairs away from his. He quickly jumped up, grabbing his sword, and flew up the steps.

He slammed open her wooden doors, to find Zelda sitting straight up in her bed. He knew then that she had just had a nightmare.

"Zelda?" He dropped his sword, and closed the doors. The snow still fell outside, and the flames burned fiercely in the fireplace.

Her breathing was slowly coming back to normal, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to wake you. I was just having a nightmare... it's a downfall of possessing the triforce of wisdom, I have them every night."

He sat down in a chair near her bedside, "I'm sorry, is there any way I can help?"

Her face turned red, "Well... I really want to tell you something, but I'm afraid of how you'll react."

He shook his head, "I'll be fine, Zelda, just tell me. Come on now."

"Well..." she averted her eyes to the fire, "Iloveyou...." it came out in one word, and yet Link had heard her perfectly.

"You what now?"

Her eyes began to water, "I love you Link, I've loved you since the day you came to save me. When you left my heart literally shattered, and now that you here," she began to cry, "I'm just so overwhelmed, and I needed to tell you, I had to, because I know you're going to leave me again, just like you always do-"

Link interrupted, "Always do...? What are you talking about?"

"I can see my past lives... and you're always my hero... but right after I let myself fall in love with you, telling myself this time it's going to be different, you leave me. You think I'd get used to the heartbreak... but each time you leave a new scar on my heart and I cant take it anymore! I understand the legend, and the hero has to move on to new quests, but... why can't I get the hero, just once? I hate the legend! It's not fair!"

Link sat astonished in his chair. The Princess of Hyrule, holder of wisdom... loved him? And had he really hurt her all those times without knowing it?

He jumped up and ran over to her, hugging her as she cried.

"I'm sorry Zelda! Please, I can't control or remember what I did in my past and what I'll do in my future. But listen, I'm going to make this life different."

She looked up at him, her face shining with tears, "Diffre-?"

She was interrupted by Link's lips that quickly covered her own.

Her face turned red, and she held on to him as he sat down on the bed next to her.

He broke the kiss, "I am so sorry, Zelda... I never meant to hurt you. I feel terrible."

She smiled, "Don't be, like I said, you've made up for it today."


Zelda sighed in content as she felt Link's strong chest behind her back. It felt just like she had imagined so many times, except, he was warmer than her pillows she used to hug.

She held his arm that fell over her waist, and was quickly falling into her slumber.



"Are you... going to stay?"

He smiled, "Of course, Zelda. I promise you, I'm never going to leave you again. You can count on it."


"I don't wish to be everything to everyone... Just something to someone." - Princess Zelda
Finally, I wrote some more Zelink stuff! It's my username for god's sake, I need to pay more attention to them!

This was inspired by Twilight Princess, and the song Fall to Pieces by Avril Lavigne and Don't Wanna Miss a Thing - Aerosmith.

I hope you enjoy! even though it's really long... O___O
© 2010 - 2024 ZelinkForever
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ZeldaDweeb's avatar
That was sweeeeeeet! :love: Zelda is amazing!